
Actual AP headline on Brown election: "After year, hope turns into disappointment"
Only quoting parts for fair use, but you can't make this stuff up.
Forget "can," "change" and, above all, "hope." The new word echoing in the blogosphere and beyond as Obama enters Year Two: disappointment.
Yes, AP actually said this.
They speak of disappointment in the state of our union. Disappointment in themselves for expecting so much so fast. Disappointment, especially, in the man who, as Boyd says, "raised the bar so high."
Alas, we lost a single election and now it's the end of the world and we should give up all hope.
Still others are more disappointed in their fellow Americans' impatience.
Yes, it's America's fault this tragedy happened.
But others do,
Others do what? Calling an AP editor, any AP editor, to the white courtesy phone!
and they feel so strongly that they are moved to write about their disenchantment - on the Web and in letters to the editor, some in anger, others in sorrow, in language intemperate or aggrieved.
And then the article goes on for TWO THOUSAND WORDS listing various Obama supporters crying into their beers. And yet the AP defends itself as a fount of objectivity.
For a given definition of objectivity, they are.
Posted by: gromky 2010-01-20