
After Brown's surprise victory, the Left engages in a sober, rational self-assessment
Following are examples of how the "reality-based community" is dealing with the new reality.

Exhibit A: DailyKos member "Yosef 52" looks ahead to the next election

Well, it looks like so-called "Independent" Scott Brown has won a Senate seat in our most heavily Democratic state. Just for the record,


Screw him.
The campaign to unseat this lying, Republican Tea Party son a bitch is starting NOW, and I'm starting it.
I love how we all come together to work for the common good after an election.
I will immediately pledge money to any worthy Democrat who announces for Brown's seat for the 2012 election. I'd like to see someone do it tomorrow....
No Yosef 52, dear. To unseat an elected representative at any level, you need to form a campaign organization, to which other people can donate money. Until there is an organization, your promises to donate are just so much childish posturing.
As you can tell, I'm [nasty word] mad.
I thought you were just at a trough level on your meds.
And I'm sick and tired of all the pissing and moaning around here. Get yourselves off the G-d damned ground NOW.
Fascinating. I thought it was only Orthodox Jews who did not spell out the word God, because it replaces one of the actual, but no longer known, names of God. But apparently frothing Progressive types feel an equal need to show respect for the supreme being.
Get to work again NOW. Start giving the Republicans hell NOW.
That worked well last week. Should work well this week. Go for it.
I don't give a [nasty word] if you think President Obama isn't living up to your G-d damn expectations. The Republicans in power would be a thousand times worse. So take your grief and turn it into anger. Take that anger and turn it into ACTION.

Scotty boy--kiss my [anatomy]. No congratulations to you. You will get nothing but all-out war from me, and anyone else with fighting spirit. You're DONE, boy. Count on it....
Senator Brown (I just love saying that) might have a tough road in 2012. Pro'ly will, in fact. He seems humble enough though, so if he sticks to doing what he said he would do, stays humble, and shows he has some common sense he'll serve his state and country well the next two years. That's all we can ask.

Exhibit B: a comment in the same thread (emphasis added).
Hate is what we need to win.
Because let's face it, the Left doesn't have near enough hate.
Let's face it. Humans are a fractious, tribalistic species, and if we don't recognize that, we will continue to lose elections.
But we could end up like Afghanistan.
So we need to be working on our identity politics. We need to be establishing a Democratic identity, and DEMANDING loyalty.
And if you don't get it then you'll demand it at gunpoint. We've seen this movie.
The writer didn't pay much attention to President Obama's campaign. Obama won because he positioned himself as a calm, cool, uniter of identities -- Black and white, Christian and Muslim and non-religious, academic elitist and man-of-the-people -- not an angry identity splitter. But that was then. Now President Obama thinks people who drive trucks should be mocked, so clearly he's forgotten the lesson of his campaign as well.
We need to be outright demonizing the Republicans, which shouldn't be all that difficult - they practically demonize themselves.
You mean you haven't been demonizing Pubs all along? Sloppy, sloppy. No wonder Brown won.
While we keep the policies we've been advocating, we don't go to the next election emphasizing them. Technocratic arguments don't work. The electorate's too irrational and stupid.
And the electorate never figures out that you're disrespectful to them ...
We need to be asking our members "Are you with us or against us? We need to be picking fights. We do literally need to be waging war against the Republicans.

That's how we win.

So call me a hater. I do [nasty word] hate the Republicans with the heat of a thousand suns. And if you don't like it, [perform an unnatural sex act on me]. Use the Dark Side. Let the hate flow through you. In politics, it's power.
He's seen too many movies.

Exhibit C: Keith Olbermann apologizes for his rhetorical excesses

Exhibit D: Rep. Alan Grayson, paragon of objectivity and good sense

Exhibit E; Democratic Underground, classy as ever

Anyone who voted for Scott Brown, [nasty word] you. n/t

Posted by: Mike 2010-01-20