
NATO pilots to be deployed to US
  • (CNSNews.com)
    Beginning Friday, European pilots will help protect American skies for the first time ever. AWACS planes will be deployed from a NATO base in Germany to Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. But, Texas Republican Congressman Ron Paul is upset at the action, believing it indicates a loss of American sovereignty. President Bush announced the action Wednesday during an appearance with NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson. "In an unprecedented display of friendship, NATO air surveillance aircraft are on their way to the United States to help keep our country safe. This has never happened before, that NATO has come to help defend our country. But it happened in this time of need. And for that, we're grateful," Bush said.

    Paul, a member of the House International Relations Committee, disagrees. "National security is the most basic sovereign duty of the federal government in our constitutional republic. Neither Congress nor the president can cede that duty to a foreign nation or body. We cannot allow the security of our own borders to become the responsibility of any coalition or international organization, whether it's NATO or the United Nations," said Paul on Capitol Hill.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-11
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2886