
Spanish Train Bombers Learned from Chechen Train Bombers
... There is evidence, for example, that the Madrid bombers may have learned from the past successful efforts of Chechen terrorists. Chechens have used nearly every conceivable tactic to inflict maximum damage: from suicide bombers blowing themselves up on commuter trains during the morning rush hour to planting bombs on railway tracks in the proximity of crowded stations. ....

Significantly, a now-dismantled Al-Qaeda cell that was based in Madrid and actively helped in the planning of 9/11 had several key links to Chechen extremists. In fact, Imad Eddine Barakat Yarkas, the now incarcerated leader of the cell, is accused by Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon of having recruited several militants to train and fight in Chechnya alongside Al Qaeda. Moreover, Yarkas coordinated fundraising efforts within the Madrid Muslim community for Chechen “freedom fighters.”

Abu Qatada, a Palestinian cleric who Spanish authorities have described as “Al-Qaeda’s spiritual leader in Europe,” coordinated the Chechen fundraising from London. Yarkas frequently traveled to London to give funds collected in Spain to Abu Qatada, and, on at least one occasion, was accompanied by Said Chedadi, another member of the Madrid cell involved in fundraising for the “Chechen brothers.” Chedadi is known to have been close to Mohammed Chaoui, one of the three Moroccan men arrested on March 13 by Spanish authorities for their involvement in the deadly Madrid bombings. Another Moroccan alleged to be involved in the bombings, Jamal Zougam, was found with several tapes about jihad in Chechnya, when Spanish authorities searched his Madrid apartment in July of 2001. ....
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-03-23