
Wahabis in Iraq are unhappy and disliked ---awww
EFL -also some comments about the yassination
I also talked to a few Wahhabis at the village where I’m posted and they were very uncomfortable with their surroundings and the treatment they get from fanatics and Shi’ite Islamic parties. "We try hard to mind our own business and go on with our lives but people here hate us, and we’re always looked upon with suspicion"
[can’t imagine why]
one of them confided to me. There was an attack against a market store owned by one of them and all his goods were destroyed just a day after the Basrah hotel attack.
while zayed’s group is rather happy to have yassin gone, another iraqi blogger, the mesopatanian, http://messopotamian.blogspot.com/
who is generally pro american, apparently feels anger.
Ays, http://iraqataglance.blogspot.com/
another generally pro american is not angry but also disagrees with the yassination

Posted by: mhw 2004-03-23