
Powell to Make Nice With Spanish Leaders
Secretary of State Colin Powell was meeting Wednesday with Spain's outgoing and income leaders during a visit to pay tribute to the 190 victims of this month's terrorist bombings. Powell planned a meeting before the state funeral with Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. He was meeting after the service with Prime Minister-elect Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, an outspoken opponent of U.S. policy in Iraq who was swept into office in an emotional election after the bombings. However, an official traveling with Powell said the meetings were not intended to involve in-depth policy discussions since the main purpose of Powell's visit was to show solidarity with the Spanish people and their government in a time of grief. The official said there would be plenty of time in the future to work on any differences with the new Spanish leader after he takes office within the month.
Groundwork stuff. Powell must be a very patient man...

Posted by: Fred 2004-03-24