
Iran: 'We Do Not Take Mrs. Clinton's Remarks Seriously'
(CNSNews.com) -- Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki said his government no longer takes U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seriously, equating her call for increased economic sanctions on Iran with "the failed policies of the Bush administration."
I got three words for you, Bubby: "Fort Marcy Park."
According to a BBC translation, Mottaki told reporters in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on Sunday that Clinton's comments on Jan. 29 in London were part of a "tension-creating approach" being deployed by the White House.

"Mrs. Clinton's efforts to take America back to the failed policies of the Bush administration era will not benefit the people or the government of that country," Mottaki said.

He continued to criticize U.S. foreign policy, saying that Iran had withstood 30 years of U.S. hostility and would not take Secretary Clinton's statements seriously until Washington "clarified" its position.

"It has been three decades that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been facing the hostile approach of some American officials," he said. "Therefore, until the domestic prospect of the White House on Iran-U.S. relations is clarified, we do not take Mrs. Clinton's remarks seriously."

Clinton, speaking to reporters Jan. 29 in London, said that Iran's continued defiance of the international nuclear norms left "little choice" but to pursue more economic sanctions.

"Iran has provided a continuous stream of threats to intensify its violation of international nuclear norms," Clinton said. "Iran's approach leaves us with little choice than to work with our partners to apply greater pressure in the hope that it will cause Iran to reconsider its rejection of diplomatic efforts."

Mottaki dismissed Clinton's remarks.

"We advise Mrs. Clinton not to use repetitive and fruitless rhetoric in her tone."
Posted by: Fred 2010-02-03