
Full text of al-Qaeda statement on Saruman getting iced
“Do not reckon that those who are killed on God’s path are dead. They are alive and being enriched with their Lord.” [Qur’an]

We announce before the Islamic World Community the martyrdom of the hero, Mujahid, martyr Shaykh by the grace of God, Ahmad Isma‘il Yasin. You have won, by the Lord of the Ka‘bah, Shaykh Yasin.

Finally you have departed, oh Knight. You have left the straightness of the world for the wide expanses of the hereafter. May you enjoy Paradise, God willing.

We say to our people in Palestine that the blood of Shaykh Yasin will not have been shed in vain. We call on all the detachments of the Abu Hafs al-Misri Brigades to avenge the Shaykh of the Mujahideen of Palestine by striking at the tyrant of the age America and its allies. We say to the Mujahideen in Palestine and in particular Hamas and the Islamic Jihad that your real enemy is the tyrant of the age, America. With the money of American Shaykh Yasin was killed. With the weapons of American Shaykh Yasin was killed. With American political propaganda support, Shaykh Yasin was killed. How long will we bury our head in the sand and avoid striking the real enemy of the World Islamic Community, which is none other than America. Come let us unite to strike this Crusader-Jewish viper, this assaulting enemy. If that is difficult for you, then do not make narrow that which is wide. The Jews are on every inch of this civilized world, and they are among the supporters of the Jews if the Zionist entity in Palestine with their money and propaganda.

Make you hand long. Strike them wherever you find them. God the praised and exalted says “kill them wherever you find them . . . and drive them out of the places from which they drove you out”. When the Zionist enemy saw you one day in peace and one day at war, they knew that there is weakness in you. So do not allow yourselves to be dragged behind the criminal Arafat and his army of hypocrites who will try to sell Palestine to the Jews one day in return for a cease fire, and on another day in return for an accord, etc.

The apostate leaders help them in this, the stooges of America, in all the Islamic countries.

“Oh Prophet, strive against the infidels and the hypocrites. Be tough with them; their abode is hell, what a wretched destiny.” [Qur’an].

Our eye tears up, and our heart grieves as we say farewell to you Shaykh Ahmad Yasin, for griefstricken ones.

We ask God the exalted to accept you among the martyrs. We belong to God and to Him do we return.

Oh God, reward us in our affliction. Grant us afterwards that which is better than it.

Oh God, have mercy on your servant the Mujahid Shaykh Ahmad Yasin and accept him among the martyrs, and elevate his station.

Make his record in ‘Iliyeen, and make him among the inheritors of the bountiful Paradise. Cause him to live forever in an abode better than his abode and among a people better than his people. We ask God to place him among the martyrs and affirmers, and to cause us and the other good Muslims to follow him to bountiful Paradise.

Ameen, Oh God. Ameen, Oh God. Ameen, Oh God.

God is Greatest! God is Greatest!

Islam is coming with glory for the glorious and abasement for the base.

The Abu Hafs al-Misri Brigades (Al-Qa‘idah)
Monday, 1 Safar 1425H,
22 March 2004
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-03-24