
Which airport is Al Gore stranded at?
He's "behind the at," as my English teacher used to say....
Information on the street has it that Al Gore is stuck in an airport, trying to charter a private airplane to take him back to Norway, where naïve-but-friendly natives thoughtlessly awarded him a Nobel Peace Prize for propagandizing the remote, but politically pregnant, possibility that our climate is getting dangerously warmer because we're eating too much meat, using old-fashioned light bulbs and driving cars not running on recycled garbage.

Poor Al is simply trying to redeem what little self-esteem he has left, after accepting that obviously misdirected and undeserved Peace Prize. Trouble is: Old Al can't find a charter flight out (not even one of those pedestrian commercial flights) because the U.S. of A. is suffering one of the coldest winters in recorded history.

Even our nation's capital is blanketed under snow making travel impossible, and freeze warnings once again extend clear into sunny Florida.

Apparently even died-in-the-wool, amoral politicians have their limits;
No, unfortunately they don't
Al just seemingly wants to get that embarrassing Nobel Peace Prize rescinded, so that it doesn't become part of the inscription on his tombstone.

If only the freezing weather would let up!

We feel for you Al. Yeah we do.

Methinks Mr. Nash doesn't like AlBore very much. :-D

Posted by: Barbara Skolaut 2010-02-13