
Saudi Woman Snarls and Shows Fangs and Claws -- Arab Men Cower and Consult Koran
.... Thus wrote Saudi publicist Wajiha al Huwayder on the British Arabic Web Site Ilaf, which deals with current events. The title of the provocative article was no less biting than its content: "A call to Arab women: A single life is a thousand times better than marriage to a man in this miserable East."

Up to about half a year ago, Al Huwayder had no reason to write on the Internet. She was an important journalist for the Saudi newspaper Al Watan, where with great daring she expressed her views about the status of women in Arab countries in general and in Saudi Arabia in particular. Last August, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Abdullah ordered that her work at the newspaper be terminated because she "damaged the foundations of the nation and wrote about issues not permitted by Shari’a" (Islamic religious law)." ....

Al Huwayder therefore found a refuge in writing on the Internet, and from there she embarked on a major attack against those whom she defines as "the pathetic and emasculated men of the East." And this is what she writes:

"Most Arab men have been emasculated since they were young. They have no power to give, and therefore they are incapable of granting a respectable life to anyone. There are no exceptions here, according to the rule that says: A person who lacks something, is unable to give it."

From here Al Huwayder embarks, together with her female readers, on a journey around the Arab countries.

"Let’s begin with the original land of the Arabs, Saudi Arabia. The most important characteristic borne by the men of this country is the impotence complex. That’s the reason why the most common medication among them is a drug against impotence. These men spend more money on its purchase than all the men in the world, in order to achieve the missing sense of masculinity. If we examine them under a microscope, we will see that they are pathetic ... whereas the men of the oil-producing countries were educated on the principle that states that they are the best, the only ones. Their foremost wish is the kaffiyeh and the akal [the traditional Arab headcloth and cords], after they have sat themselves down on a chair to which the title "Director" is affixed. They are afflicted by a chronic germ that has determined that guardianship (of a woman) is a sign of masculinity, and that without it their limbs will not be in balance, and their wives will not do well."

From here Al Huwayder goes on to Iraq, where "blood flows as quickly as the flowing of the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. And what remains of its men? The remains of a Nazi regime." And so on to Syria, Jordan, and even Palestine and Egypt - countries in which the men, says Al Huwayder, are pathetic and humiliated. They live in poor countries "but material poverty is no disgrace, the disgrace is their poverty of thought, which prevents them from realizing their ignorance when they link the honor of the nation to the blood of a woman."

Al Huwayder ends her geographic survey of men without finding even one country in which there are men who are worthy of Saudi women or of Arab women in general. She says that in Saudi Arabia "there is nothing that should arouse in you the feeling of shame at being single, or regret about the years of solitude. The land of the Arabs is full of men who are losers, men who are not worthy of you or of your status. Is it logical that after a long fast you should break your fast with a meal lacking taste or smell, and accompany defective men all your lives?"

Al Huwayder has strong words for Saudi women as well. In another article she published on the site, she accuses the women of having become accustomed "to laziness, to relying on someone else, and to waiting for the men to bring loot and gifts from "the hunting fields." ...
Posted by: Homer Simpson 2004-03-25