
Restaurant bomb blast kills 9 in India
Security agencies are on high-alert across India after a bomb blast killed at least nine people and wounded dozens more in the western city of Pune. At least one foreigner, believed to be a Taiwanese national, is among those killed in what is the first major bomb blast in India since the Mumbai attacks in 2008.

The blast ripped through the Germany Bakery, a cafe popular with tourists in the western Indian city of Pune. Eyewitness accounts indicate that the explosion occurred when a waiter opened up a bag which had been left unattended in the cafe.

The Indian government has confirmed it is an act of terrorism, but at this stage it says it is unclear which group was behind it.
Oh, shall we guess?
Although there is widespread speculation it was the work of the Indian Mujahideen - a terrorism group with links to the Pakistani militant organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba. A cell of the Indian Mujahideen is reportedly active in Pune.
Good guess!
"It was a bomb blast," Indian Home Secretary GK Pillai said in New Delhi. "It appears that an unattended package was noticed ... by one of the waiters who apparently went and attempted to open the package when the blast took place."

The German Bakery is only metres from an ashram, or religious retreat, specialising in meditation courses run by a Swiss-based firm Osho International.
Posted by: Steve White 2010-02-14