
Who is conning who
Last night I read the story about Dana Beaudine was wounded in a mortar attack near the town of Basra in Iraq. But after he came home a decorated war veteran, and after he came back he has been trying to get his job back with Securitas Security Services USA, the nation’s largest private security firm, which counts among its clients the federal government. http://www.rantburg.com/Default.asp?D=3/24/2004#28987

I wrote Securitas Security Services USA and complied. Below is a copy of the e-mail I received back. Does any one know the rest of the story. Who is trying to con us -- Securitas Security Services USA or Dana Beaudine.
Just to put you at ease... I am personally insulted by any company that would restrict the rights of our military personnel to return to work after a tour of duty. My brother commanded a very dangerous air reconnaissance group over Iraq during the peak of the war effort. The case you are referring to is not about this. We have a duty to insure the public safety. The article you read did not give all the facts. Telling you more would violate this individuals right to privacy.

Craig A. Smith
President, Rocky Mountain Region
Securitas Security Services, USA
E-mail: craig.smith@securitasinc.com

[Craig Smith (06-198)] -----Original Message-----
From: Jack Bross [mailto:jjb@Achievergroup.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 5:28 PM
To: Craig Smith (01980)
Cc: info@securitasinc.com
Subject: Dana Beaudine
Dear Sirs,
What is being done to reinstate this hero’s right to his job.
Jack Bross
Achiever Group, Inc.

Posted by: Jack Bross 2004-03-25