
5 more held over Madrid bombings
Five more people have been arrested in Spain in connection with the March 11 Madrid train bombings, taking the total numbers detained to 18. Police sources told the Spanish-language network CNN+ that three were arrested Wednesday night and another two arrested Thursday. Sources at the National Court told CNN+ that the three arrested Wednesday were seized on the orders of Judge Ismael Moreno, who was the judge on duty at the time. The files on the latest arrests will go to Judge Juan del Olmo, who carries the dossier on the Madrid attacks. Of the 18 people arrested so far in the train probe, 11 have been charged with offenses related to the attacks. Two others have been detained then released without charge. A German television station said the three suspects arrested Wednesday had lived in Germany and were "directly involved" in planning the Madrid bombings. Interior Ministry spokesman Richard Ibanez said those arrested included Moroccans and at least one Syrian national.
Anyone care to place a bet that the ’Syrian national(s)’ are in fact paleos? I noted at the time the MO looked like paleo handiwork.
Posted by: phil_b 2004-03-25