
Has the MSM Forgotten the Rangel Investigation That Has No End?
Back in early 2009, while the MSM noted the tax evasion problems of several of Obama's appointees, Congressman Charlie Rangel (D, NY) sat nearby, grinning like the Cheshire Cat from Wonderland. The tax transgressions of Timmy Geithner, Tommy Daschle, Nancy Killefer, et al are equivalent to shoplifting a candy bar from a convenience store when compared to Charlie's multiple, long-term, bank heists. Cholly's been at it for four decades!

... The Ethics Committee probe has been underway now for about a year-and-a-half. The Warren Commission took 10 months to investigate the assassination of President Kennedy.

If the House Ethics Committee drags out its "investigation" of Charlie until the 2010 elections, they'll come close to matching the time it took the Allies to plan the Normandy Invasion in World War II.

So what's going on his with this Inspector Clouseau-like, alleged investigation of Congressman Charlie Rangel?

Does the Ethics Committee accept Senator Reid's bizarre assertion that paying taxes is, after all, voluntary?

Are they covering Charlie because, after 39 years in the House, he knows where too many bodies are buried?

Do the Democrats plan to put the "investigation" into a coma until the 2010 elections when Charlie, who will be 80 years old next June, steps down to spend more time with his family?

Or, is Nancy Pelosi giving Charlie a pass because his predecessor in the first congressional seat Charlie occupied (NY-18) was Democrat Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.?

Powell was more overt in his financial and legal misbehaviors. On March 1, 1967, he was excluded from the House on a vote of 307 to 116. They threw him out, although he was later re-elected to the seat the House had tried to deny him and took the case all the way to the Supreme Court, where he won on Constitutional grounds.

Charlie, less flamboyant, has been more circumspect with his funny money deals. He's a team player.

And, finally, what's up with the MSM's silence about the investigation that just won't end?
Posted by: Fred 2010-02-18