
Pregnant mom, 18, charged with starting riot at Chuck E. Cheese

* Juaneka Key and several relatives were arrested Saturday
* Key's step-dad is accused of punching a female customer
* Police say customers and children began panicking and running from scene
(I like this summary feature)
(Memphis 2/15/2010) An 18-year-old pregnant woman is out on bond tonight after police say she started a riot inside a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant Saturday night.

It happened at the 3600 block of Hickory Hill.

During an interview Monday, Juaneka Key told us she was there with her family celebrating her 2-year-old son's birthday. However, the night ended at 201 Poplar.
18-2= jail time some places but rarely enforced in others.
"Everybody's putting it on me, five of us got arrested: me, my mom, my sister, my boyfriend, and my step-dad," said Key.
So you see, we can share the blame five ways.
She says it all started because of a long line at the photo booth.

"My sister and little brother were taking pictures, the girl said, 'Dang how long ya'll gonna be?'" said Key.

An argument started, escalated and turned into a brawl when police say Key's step-dad intervened, punched the girl and gave her a black eye.
If true, step-dad needs some hard time.
"Other people [began] jumping in that didn't have nothing to do with the fight," said Key.
Maybe they were irked when the head of the family punched a girl.
Court papers describe absolute chaos with fists flying between both the victim's family and the suspect's. Police say customers and children began panicking and running from the scene to avoid getting involved.
I would pay money to see that.
Managers at Chuck E. Cheese's declined comment. Though they have several surveillance cameras there, a worker tells us none were pointed at the incident.
And their pizza is worse than their security
Nearby shoppers call it ridiculous.

"Kinda a kid environment, for adults to act like that is kinda disturbing to me," said Bertha Waller.
Vegas for kids, beer for adults, a recipe for disaster.
"I feel so embarrassed," said Key.

But the teen says she has no regrets and denies any of this was her fault.
It says right up there that you're embarrassed. Which is it? "No regrets" or "embarrassed?"
"The fact that I'm pregnant, why am I gonna fight? I'm not trying to lose my child," said Key.
So, I guess the impatient girl your stepfather punched out managed to started fighting with herself?
Both Key and her step-dad face charges of Disorderly Conduct and Inciting a Riot. The two other suspects face charges of threatening cops as they tried to break up the fight, as well as Possession of Marijuana.
Word of advice to the behaviorally challenged: Don't mess with the cops if you're holding weed.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2010-02-18