
US is the laziest nation
AMERICANS may be winning more medals at the Winter Olympics than any other country, but they also take gold when it comes to being the laziest people on the planet.
I wonder how we would rank if hours worked, vacation days, and work efficiency were included? My impression has long been that we put less effort into leisure activities because we put more into our jobs. But bashing America is so much more fun than actually getting the facts.
The US ranked No.1 out of 24 developed countries in The Daily Beast's list of lazy nations, based on statistics on daily calorie intake, data on TV viewing habits, the percentage of the population that plays sport, as well as internet usage, mX has reported.
I'm just guessing that the Beast didn't count the 10 week vacations on the Riviera for our Euro friends ...
The US was first in calorie intake and TV watching and took bronze for sports aversion and internet usage - enough to claim top spot on the podium.

Canadians took the silver after surprisingly leading the planet in internet usage. Bronze went to Belgium, with the country known for its waffles and beer coming second in calorie intake, while Turkey just missed out on the medals in fourth despite being ranked No.1 in avoiding playing sports.

Australians can sink back into their couches after being ranked No.19 on the list. Though ranked the ninth worst nationality in avoiding playing sport, Aussies were 14th in TV viewing, 16th for internet usage and 22nd in terms of calorie intake.

The English were No.5 and second-best at dodging sport.

The full list of lazy nations are:

1. USA 2. Canada 3. Belgium 4. Turkey 5. Great Britain 6. Poland 7. Mexico 8. France 9. Germany 10. Portugal 11. Denmark 12. Spain 13. Netherlands 14. Ireland 15. South Korea 16. Italy 17. Japan 18. Norway 19. Australia 20. Finland 21. Austria 22. New Zealand 23. Sweden 24. Switzerland.
Posted by: tipper 2010-02-18