
Amy Bishop Plot Thickens: Accused University of Alabama Shooter is Cousin of Author John Irving
Yet another surprising twist in the story of Amy Bishop, the Alabama university professor who allegedly opened fire on campus, killing three of her colleagues. Bishop is the second cousin of John Irving, a publicist for the author confirmed today.

Irving is writing a novel and declined to comment about his relationship with Bishop's family. Random House publicist Anne Tate except said he is a cousin of Judith Bishop, who is Amy Bishop's mother.

According to book club acquaintances, Bishop often said she hoped the connection would help her publish her three novels, which she viewed as a way out of the frustrations of her university job, the Boston Globe reported.

Rob Dinsmoor, who was in a writer's group north of Boston with Bishop, said she told him that Irving gave her advice on writing and finding an agent.

Among Irving's best-known books are "The World According to Garp," "A Prayer for Owen Meany" and "The Cider House Rules."

Amy Bishop is accused of shooting six of her peers during a University of Alabama staff meeting Feb. 12. Three died. Three have so far survived. She is charged with capital murder and may face the death penalty.
Lemme guess. Irving's latest book is about a psycho serial killer who keeps getting away with it because she is a lefty intellectual with friends in high places. Then she goes too far....
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2010-02-18