
Some Good Questions About the Assasination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh
If we hypothesize that Mossad had indeed carried out the assassination certain questions come to mind.

1) Why were 17 team members sent to assassinate one man in a city like Dubai, 11 of whom were roaming the city shadowing him? Are 11 people really needed to shadow one person?
I would have had 50 so that Mahmoud would never have seen the same face twice ...
2) Why were the 11 constantly changing disguises within view of the cameras of CCTV? Surely it would draw more suspicion not less, to the team than if they simply behaved naturally. 11 different faces would surely not raise suspicion with Mabhouh with in a short span of less than 19 hours, there was no need for the elaborate pageantry of changing costumes, especially when the team knew that cameras were tracking their every move. It seems that the assassins were trying to leave a trail of evidence and draw the attention of the authorities once they had left the country.
That's why you need 50 ...
3) At one point the female suspect looked up at the camera and smiled. The suspect, if a professional would most likely be aware that she was on camera, why would she give the camera a full frontal view of her face?
Just reminding you that she's Mossad, baby, and you can't touch her ...
4) The passports used by the team in some cases were of real people. The passports were not stolen, rather their identity was used with a different picture and in some cases different passport numbers. At least 3 of the people are Olim, or new immigrants to Israel from Great Britain and 4 more are also Israeli citizens. Why would the Mossad use the identity of Israeli citizens in an operations of this magnitude, not only providing a direct link to Israel but also endangering its own citizens, possibly putting them on Hamas hit lists?
Perhaps it was the evil ISI who wanted to make it look like the CIA was blaming Mossad who was working in cahoots with Fatah who planned this in conjunction with the Dogmushes ...
5) Why were two Palestinians arrested in connection with the assassination by Jordanian Authorities? What was their involvement? Were they helping Mossad or Perhaps another entity?

6) Finally, since the split between the Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas, the two entities have been at war with each other. Weapons that Mabhouh was smuggling into Gaza would most likely be used against Fatah as well. Fatah also had an interest in the death of Mabhouh.
Gee, no kidding, almost as much as the Dogmushes ...
The Mossad has not been free of errors of late, 2 Israeli citizens were arrested a few years ago on suspicion of stealing passports in New Zealand. However, this operation seems to be even sloppier. Simply too many people were involved in the hit to escape undetected. An agency of the caliber of Mossad must know of the closed circuit cameras through out Dubai and yet the alleged Mossad agents allowed the cameras to obtain full views of their faces. Mabhouh was trailed so closely that he even bumped one of the assassins on the way from the airport. The passports were real names of real Israeli citizens, forging a direct link to Israel. spy agencies usually like to conduct assassinations without traces, especially to their own country. Unless the Mossad has become completely incompetent of late; it seems almost too easy to accuse it.
Posted by: gromky 2010-02-18