
Bass To Run For Old Seat
Ex-Rep. Charlie Bass (R-NH) is the latest former member of Congress who wants his old job back. Bass, who lost his seat in '06, said he would run again in a conference call this morning.

Bass will face a GOP primary and the winner of what looks like a competitive Dem field. A centrist, Bass will face ex-state Rep. Bob Giuda (R), radio host/'08 nominee Jennifer Horn (R) and local officials from Bristol and Milford.

The man who beat him, Rep. Paul Hodes (D), is vacating the seat to run for Senate. Bass beat Hodes in '04 by a wide 58%-38% margin, but in '06, aided by the national wave that favored Dems, Hodes came back for a 53%-46% win.

The district, based in Nashua and Concord, runs all the way north to the Canadian border. It has given Dems a majority in at least the last 3 WH elections, handing Pres. Obama a 56%-43% win in '08. But few states flipped faster towards Dems than NH did, and in the current national climate, the GOP is favored to have a good year in the Granite State.

Bass joins ex-Reps. Steve Chabot (R-OH), Steve Pearce (R-NM), Tim Walberg (R-MI), Mike Sodrel (R-IN), Richard Pombo (R-CA) and Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), all of whom are seeking their old seats.
Posted by: Fred 2010-02-19