
Terry Nichols On Hunger Strike At Florence Supermax
(Florence, CO)--Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols is on a hunger strike to protest the meals at the supermax federal prison near Florence, Colorado.
Listen, you cowardly little bitch, the secret to a successful hunger strike is that people have to care that you're on one. I have a feeling very few people do..
The 54-year-old claims the refined foods he's been forced to eat at the lockup violate his religious beliefs by harming his body, which he calls God's holy temple.
So he doesn't eat. And he dies. And nobody cares. Win-win for everybody.
So he doesn't eat. And he dies. No one cares. His holy temple gets to meet up with God. Who dispenses appropriate judgement. Win-win-win-win.
Nichols sued the Federal Bureau of Prisons last March demanding a diet rich in raw fruits and veggies, whole grains, wheat bran supplements, digestive bacteria and enzymes.
Ah, "demanding". I'll bet they love when you do that at Supermax. Really makes them...stand up and take notice.
I think anyone who files a formal legal brief using the term veggies should be allowed to starve himself to death post haste. Unless it's the journalist who assumed that term met stylebook usages, in which case reapply the above sentence as appropriate. I've accepted the move from luncheon to lunch, but veggies is entirely beyond the pale.
In a handwritten note filed with the court Thursday, Nichols says he stopped eating back on February 5th because he believes prison officials are playing "games" with his food in retaliation for the pending lawsuit.
Getting paranoid staring at that same old concrete wall everyday, Terry? Has the wall started to talk back to you yet?
He adds that he's, quote, "prepared to die if necessary because he is done allowing his body to be defiled."
Sure you are. Why don't you try it and see what happens?
Nichols' last hunger strike was in 2001, when he was being held in Oklahoma City for the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building that killed 168 people.
Sounds like that one was real serious too...
He is now serving a life sentence at the supermax prison.
...sounds like it's driving him towards insanity. I got no problem with that.
Posted by: tu3031 2010-02-19