
Saudi mufti condemns attempts to smear Muslims
Saudi Arabia's Grand Mufti condemns terror attacks and the killing of civilians as un-Islamic, ruling out any relationship between such acts and the Muslim religion.

"Terrorism is criminal and spills the blood of innocents," Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah al-Sheikh said in a statement on Friday.

"It attacks security, spreads terror among the people and creates problems for society ... Such acts are forbidden by Islamic law," added the kingdom's top religious authority.

The senior cleric then called for a struggle against those who associate terrorism to Islam and Muslims, saying the attempts are aimed at "distorting the religion and to assail its leadership role in the world."

The statement comes ahead of a conference on international cooperation in fighting terrorism and its financing, scheduled to open on Saturday in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Western media have been trying to associate terror groups such as al-Qaeda, the Taliban and their offshoots to the Muslim faith, introducing the militants as "extremists" who are seeking to enforce Sharia Law across the globe.
That's what such groups have been claiming, O journalist. Should we not believe their explanations for why they keep trying to kill us?
Such media claims come despite strong and repeated condemnation of terror acts and civilian killing by a wide variety of credible Islamic authorities and organizations all over the globe.
E pur si muove.
Posted by: Fred 2010-02-20