
Health Care Summit: Obama Calls for 'Spirit of Good Faith' Without Political Theater'
A week before his health care summit, President Obama called on Democrats and Republicans to come to the table "in a spirit of good faith," when they sit down at the Blair House on Thursday for the president's much-anticipated meeting.

"I don't want to see this meeting turn into political theater, with each side simply reciting talking points and trying to score political points," Obama said in his weekly address. "Instead, I ask members of both parties to seek common ground in an effort to solve a problem that's been with us for generations."

However, Republicans, in their weekly address, again called for Democrats to "scrap" their bill and start over on reform.

"Right now, Democrats are continuing to work behind closed doors, putting the finishing touches on yet another massive health care bill Americans can't afford and don't want," said Rep. Dave Camp, R -Mich., who delivered the Republican response. "If the starting point for this summit is more of the same backroom deals and partisan bills, then this meeting will likely be a charade."

In his address, President Obama said he believes he has "sought out and supported" Republican ideas of reform from the "very beginning."

"Some Republicans want to allow Americans to purchase insurance from a company in another state to give people more choices and bring down costs," President Obama said. "Some Republicans have also suggested giving small businesses the power to pool together and offer health care at lower prices, just as big companies and labor unions do. I think both of these are good ideas -- so long as we pursue them in a way that protects benefits, protects patients, and protects the American people."
Posted by: Fred 2010-02-21