
Dozens held over Zanzibar bombs
At least 39 people have been arrested following a series of bomb attacks targeting prominent people and a tourist hotel in Zanzibar. Deputy Internal Affairs Minister John Chiligati said the attacks were politically motivated but refused to link them to any specific group.
Guess who?
Unknown assailants bombed the residence of a government minister and a government-appointed religious leader. A grenade was also thrown at two diplomats but failed to go off.
Hint 1 - what group is known for ineffective grenade tossing?
Diplomatic sources confirmed that a British and an American envoy were present at a restaurant during a failed bomb attack last weekend.
Hint 2 - who likes booming western diplomats?
Mr Chiligati said the crackdown on people suspected to be involved in the attacks was ongoing and that the police had been instructed to use all means at their disposal to ensure they are prosecuted. Media reports in Tanzania say the bomb attacks were intended to disrupt German President Johannes Rau's tour in the country.
And the answer is........
The government of Zanzibar has been locked in a confrontation with Muslim activists protesting at repressive laws.
Meter didn't twitch.
However, the Muslim activists, have distanced themselves from the bomb attacks.
Distanced themselves just out of the blast zone.

Posted by: Steve 2004-03-26