
Chavez called a 'coward', told to "Be a man" by Uribe
President Hooogo Chavez nearly stormed out of the summit on Monday during a shouting match with his Colombian counterpart.
Nearly only counts in horseshoes and nuclear weapons.
The clash took place during a private meeting of heads of state, on the sidelines of a two-day summit of Latin American and Caribbean nations in Cancun, Mexico.

Mr Uribe complained to Mr Chavez about a trade embargo Venezuela has imposed on Colombia, upsetting the Venezuelan president and further exacerbating their falling out ever since Bogota signed a military base agreement with the US last year.

Mr Chavez then accused Mr Uribe of planning his assassination by a paramilitary squad and threatened to walk out of the summit in disgust.
Too bad it failed. Perhaps we can offer a technical assistance mission.
"An angry Uribe then shouted: 'Be a man! These issues are meant to be discussed in these venues. You're brave speaking at a distance, but a coward when it comes to talking face to face'," the diplomat said.
Close to a double-dog-dare.
Mr Chavez is reported to have replied: "Go to hell!"
Is that where he wants to talk face to face? Must need back-up.
President Felipe Calderon of Mexico then attempted to reconcile the pair of fuming leaders, according to the diplomat.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room."
Mr Calderon said later that Venezuela and Colombia must settle their differences in "respectful dialogue ... to avoid accusations and recriminations".
He should stop with the Hillary impression, already. Talking like that may explain why the drug gangs are still running rampant.
His spokesman, Max Cortazar, confirmed the Uribe-Chavez altercation. "There was a hot exchange of views, but without getting down to insults," Mr Cortazar insisted.
Insults are when you talk about his mother.
In a broadcast on Venezuelan televison and radio this week, Mr Chavez demanded Britain hand over the Falkland Islands to Argentina in a direct appeal to the Queen.
He must think she's a softer touch than Calderone. Misunderestimation.
Posted by: Nimble Spemble 2010-02-24