
Ex-Muslim denounces criticism of Yassin’s execution
By Yatindra Bhatnagar
[this person may be an ex Muslim or not but is affiliated with the faith freedom site which is predominately made of ex-Muslims - fred has a link to this site on the right]
An Israeli air strike killed Sheik Ahmed Yassin .... The Secretary General Kofi Annan has said “the attack on Sheik Yassin is contrary to international law.” Would Annan tell us which international law permits, or covers, suicide bombings, and indiscriminate killings, of innocent Israelis? Is there such an international law that only Kofi Annan knows, practices, and sanctions?

I am also shocked to read that British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw, has called the attack on Yassin “unacceptable.” Are brutal attacks aimed almost daily at, and regular killings of, innocent Israelis, and others in the wide world by Jihadi terror organizations “acceptable” to this Jack? Even the Bush Administration is “deeply troubled” by Yassin’s death. What if the man was Osama bin Laden, or Al Zawahiri, dead because of American strikes? It’s shameful to mourn the death of a terror leader. It’s outrageous to condemn a country that showed the courage to strike, and kill one of the top terror leaders. Israel should be congratulated for striking a bold blow for the war on terror.

I have no sympathy for those Muslims who mourn this terror leader’s death. They keep confirming my suspicion that Jihadi Muslims have brainwashed, influenced, terrorized and dominated almost the entire Muslim world. It’s difficult to find a real Muslim who openly opposes terror organizations, and condemns terror attacks on innocent Americans, Russians, Israelis, Hindus, Indonesians, Philippinos, and other victims of Jihadi terror.

To come back to Sheik Yassin. ... He was a terror leader, committed to destruction of Israel and had formed the terror group to fight and kill, and kill and fight, till every Jew is annihilated. The teens in Arab nations, especially in the parts that are called “ Palestine ,” have been taught by people like Yassin, that all the Jews should be killed and that the state of Israel should be destroyed. ...
Posted by: mhw 2004-03-26