
Blast in French School Causes Scare, No Victims
An explosive device went off in a high school on the outskirts of Paris on Friday without injuring anyone or causing damage, but heightening tension in France after a railway bomb alert earlier this week. It was not clear who planted the device, which sent thick clouds of smoke billowing through the school in the working class suburb of Stains, north of the French capital, a spokesman for the Education Ministry said. "It was a makeshift bomb, an explosive device, which went off at 14.15 (8:15 a.m. EST) in a corridor of the school," he said. The secondary school, which has 1,260 pupils, was evacuated.
Might have been a student prank, or??
Education Minister Luc Ferry immediately visited the scene of the explosion, which comes amid a climate of tension two days before regional elections which are expected to deal a defeat to the ruling conservatives.
Hummmmm, elections, huh...

Posted by: Steve 2004-03-26