
Brown U kiddies protest war on terror
  • WSJ Best of the Web Today
    At Brown University, some 120 students walked out of class Tuesday to protest America's efforts to defend itself against terrorism. The Brown Daily Herald reports that "Some professors, including John Tomasi, associate professor of political science, and William Keach, professor of English, let their classes out early so students could attend the protest. At one point, Keach took the microphone and said, 'What happened on Sept. 11 was terrorism, but what happened during the Gulf War was also terrorism.' " We'd like to think he's referring to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, but we somehow doubt it.

    The Herald quotes one Peter Zedrin, "who said he is a freelance writer in Providence": "I was cheering when the Pentagon got hit because I know about the brutality of the military. The American flag is nothing but a symbol of hate and should be used for toilet paper for all I care."
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-11
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2916