
Full text of Ayman's rant
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem

Hi, there!
To Proceed: I want to make clear in this message many facts that the Jews and Christians are trying to hide behind Musharraf, the most treacherous is the Jews.
"They got big noses, y'know..."
The first fact is that this war is a Crusade. America doesn't want Pakistan to be strong. America does not want a strong Muslim nation. Musharraf has killed too many in Afghanistan. The most important issue for him is to stop the jihad in Kashmir to allow the US to go there and kill the Muslims.
"They're there now. They're disguised as Hindoos. But you can tell, 'cuz they got them shifty little eyes."
The second fact is that Musharraf wants to kill the Muslim and Taliban from behind the Arabs, Uzbeks and Turkmen, to wage jihad against the Afghans because of the Qabaail (ie tribesmen in of Waziristan) are killing many Brits and US. America has ordered Musharraf to kill them and they enter house from house to kill them. He forgets that in their history they help the Muslims. Allah has said the Muslims are one brotherhood. Musharraf has given too many Mujahideen and helpers of Muslims to the US and the FBI who then send them to Guantanamo. We ask all Muslims to fight under the Flag of Islam and the people of
Pakistan must follow Shariah and finish with the Musharraf government. They have to help to the Qabaail.

A Measage To The Qabaail: You must help your Taliban brothers. How can you give your brothers to the American agents? We know that you are zealous for Muslims.
"If you don't, we'll kill you..."
A Message To The Pak Army: Musharraf has put you in a bad place in Afghanistan. He takes from you your nuclear weapons and now leaves you to fight the Qabaail. Do you want the US to take Islamabad?
"You go take those nukes back and nuke the hell outta Qabaail!"
The reality is that Musharraf is treacherous. You need to make people on fire for jihad and tell the Muslims that it is haraam to help the kuffar. Those who take this way are kuffar because they want to follow the dunya and Allah will put him in hellfire.
"Yup. He's gonna be a roaster. No doubt about it."
O Muslims in All Places: Be firm and have patience. The believers fight in the way of Allah and the disbelievers fight for toghoot. Indeed the camp of kuffar is weak.
Mmmmmm! Toghoot! My favorite!

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-03-27