
Rep. Massa's karmic doom
Blogger "Jenn"

His sin here isn't that he wanted to have sex with his (male) staffer (although sexual harassment is very wrong), or that he was attempting to cheat on his wife (although that is both sleazy and wrong). His sin was that he was apparently a bad enough boss that other staffers didn't feel the need to protect him, and instead turned him in. You reap what you sow. Good for the senior staff member who did the right thing, and hurray for the possible seat switch.

h/t Charles Hill @ "Dustbury", who comments (emphasis added):

I dunno. I figure anything done or attempted on the side qualifies as sinful as well as sleazy, but I have to figure, if your own staff sells you out, you can't be much of a bargain.

Posted by: Mike 2010-03-05