
Malaysia starts cleanup of universities
  • (AFP)
    61 university lecturers allegedly involved in anti-government activities have been sacked, transferred or issued with warnings, Malaysia's Education Minister Musa Mohamed told parliament Thursday. "The situation is under control and public universities are constantly carrying out investigations and monitoring the situation to ensure that this problem does not spread," he was quoted as saying by Bernama news agency. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Monday announced a requirement for all civil servants along with teachers, university lecturers and students to sign a pledge of good conduct. Mahathir said the move was to check "poisoning of the minds" of students so they "stick to the original purpose of entering universities to gain knowledge and not to indulge in anti-government activities".

    Students have played a prominent role in a series of "Reformasi" (reform) protests which followed the sacking and detention of ex-deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim in 1998.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-11
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2922