
China: we're the #2 economy but we can't be held responsible to the world
China prefers not to view itself as a global power that needs to take more responsibility in world politics, according to a wordy press statement from Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday following the annual meeting of China's National People's Congress. But reality and spin collided at times Sunday as Wen struggled to convince that China is not the world's newest superpower.

China is a developing country with a "weak economic basis," Wen said. Gaps between rich cities such as Beijing or Shanghai and the poor rural areas remains wide.
"We want all the benefits of being rich but none of the drawbacks."
"It might still take 100 years to transform China into a modern country," the prime minister said, speaking under gigantic chandeliers in a splendid room of the Great Hall of the People.
Posted by: gromky 2010-03-17