
Kucinich commits to vote for "wholly unacceptable" health care bill

Saying "I take this vote with the utmost seriousness," Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) announced Wednesday morning that he will vote for the health-care bill now before the House, despite his reservations.

"I know I have to make a decision not on the bill as I would like to see it but on the bill as it is," said the congressman, who met with President Obama on Air Force One earlier this week about his opposition to the bill....

Daniel Foster at National Review recalls Kucinich's statement from February 24:

"The new proposal starts with a wholly unacceptable Senate health care bill and, with a few exceptions, continues to make it worse. It's a much better bill for insurance company investors than it is for the American people."

Like Louise Slaughter (she of the eponymous rule), Kucinich is now in the position of having -- publicly and vehemently -- opposed the Senate bill before he supported it.

Posted by: Mike 2010-03-17