
Gulf News: Dissolve Arab League
Arab leaders have spurned an American reform plan on the grounds that reforms should come from within. They now have an opportunity to prove they are sincere about their pledge; I believe replacing the Arab League with a common market will be the acid test.
Arab "reform" has been a joke. The last I heard, Arab economic reform has meant replacing Coca Cola, with "Qibla" and "Mecca" brands, which probably taste like ditch water. A little third-party assistance couldn’t do worse.
Leaders in the Arab world have let their people down for decades. They now have the opportunity to be brave and win them back. The people will stand by their leaders, support them and march with them if they demonstrate a real commitment to reform and adapt to new world realities.
Lebanese refer to themselves as "Phonecians" not "Arabs."Likewise "Assyrians," "Yemenese," "Hashemites," "Maghribis" (Ghadafi has been outspoken in his contempt of "Arabs").
I call on our leaders to announce the death of the Arab League and the birth of a common market.
One less annoyance. Arab League (1945-2004) R.I.P
Posted by: Man Bites Dog 2004-03-29