
Canucki moonbat profs reject scholarships for war orphans
A scholarship program for the children of dead soldiers is raising questions among some professors at the University of Regina.
The chief question is "just how low can these parasites and leeches go?"
They say they're concerned about Project Hero, a program that pays the tuition of students who have had a parent die while on military duty for Canada. More than 80 universities and colleges in Canada have committed to the project, which pays for four years of tuition, plus $1,000 for books.

U of R president Vianne Timmons announced two weeks ago the university would provide the scholarship, but that has led to a campus controversy. Sixteen professors have signed a letter to Timmons stating the program glorifies military action and they don't want their school to be part of it.

Among those with concerns is Jeffrey Webber, who teaches political science and who says the name of the program celebrates military intervention abroad.

"We think this is a glorification of the Afghan effort," he said.
Excuse me, asshole, this is not about your perception of political symbolism and the dialectic of imperialism or whatever. It is about children, about 200 of them so far, who have lost a parent through no fault of their own, but through deliberate acts of public policy.

Webber said it's not that they are against helping the children of the Canadian military.

"Why stop at the question of dependents of Canadian Forces personnel? There's all kinds of people who are killed in workplace accidents," he said.
Equate a combat death with a "workplace accident?" Are you against free tuition for children of Paleos who lose their lives because of that red/green wire confusion thing? I doubt it.
As an alternative to the program, the group says there should be universal access to post-secondary education.

The program was started about a year ago by Toronto businessman Kevin Reed and retired general Rick Hillier.

"We just thought it was the right thing to do for these men and women in uniform," said Reed, who's an honorary lieutenant-colonel of the military's Canadian Brigade Group service units.

Reed said he's never heard of any kind of protest associated with the program.
These are the 16 profs who signed the petition:
Joyce Green, Department of Political Science
J.F. Conway, Department of Sociology and Social Studies
George Buri, Department of History
Emily Eaton, Department of Geography
Jeffery R. Webber, Department of Political Science
David Webster, International Studies
Annette Desmarais, International Studies
Darlene Juschka, Women's and Gender Studies and Religious Studies
Meredith Rogers Cherland, Faculty of Education
Garson Hunter, Social Work
John W. Warnock, Department of Sociology and Social Studies
William Arnal, Department of Religious Studies
Leesa Streifler, Department of Visual Arts
Carol Schick, Faculty of Education
Ken Montgomery, Faculty of Education
André Magnan, Department of Sociology and Social Studies

Note that not one of these sanctimonious ani is from the classics, business, engineering, or the hard sciences. Only one is from history, another from geography. The rest are from free-roaming "disciplines" that are little more than sinecures and propaganda platforms for the otherwise useless drones and lefty infiltrators who have hijacked western academia over the past 50 years.

Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2010-03-26