
Pommie CSI Update: Kidnapped man's thumb dropped in carpark by bird
This has even more bizzare detail on the story reported the other day.
THE thumb of a kidnap victim feared dead was found in a car park - after being dropped from above by a bird, The Sun reported today

A bored security guard played soccer with the digit believing it was a discarded chicken drumstick -- until he saw the fingernail. He reeled in horror and alerted cops who carried out forensic tests and found the severed thumb belonged to takeout restaurant worker Mahmood Ahmad, 41.

The married dad-of-two was snatched from outside his home in Watford, northwest of London, at 1.30am local time (GMT) on March 7. Three days later, his cleanly severed thumb dropped from the sky in Ilford, eastern London.

A security guard said overnight, "There's video of it falling in the middle of the car park. There's no way it could've been thrown. The guy who found it thought it was a chicken drumstick until he turned it over and saw the nail. It was a thumb and part of a hand."

One cop said, "The only plausible explanation is a bird found it and dropped it from its beak while flying over the area." The winged culprit was likely a scavenging bird like a seagull or crow.

Meanwhile, police overnight released CCTV of Ahmad leaving work in Aldgate, eastern London, on the night he vanished. It is thought his kidnappers tailed his car home. Three men aged 36, 33, and 18, and a youth of 17, were charged with kidnapping.
Posted by: phil_b 2010-03-26