
Link to plenty of gummint finances graphs to make your blood boil...
Posted under "seedy politicians" even though it's from a blog; who do you think is responsible for these abominable numbers?
Today we learn from the Wall Street Journal that Personal Income is in decline and Ben Bernanke tells us the future looks "dark".

It all kinda makes one mindful of the not-so-distant past, when things weren't nearly so dismal. Not that one would know this by listening to the mindless, chattering Left Wing Media or our Blame Duck President.

There are a few little-regarded truths that have been buried under the relentlessly spewed pile of lies that were used to demonize George W. Bush and the Republican Congress from the day Al Gore failed to carry his own home State in the 2000 Election until... well... it's still pretty much a leftist pastime.

The horror of "the last 8 years" has become its own self-perpetuating meme. The problem is that it's a meme without meaning. Two of those eight years -- now stretched to three out of the last nine -- saw fiscal and regulatory policies determined by the Democrat Congressional majority, elected in 2006. Every economic indicator available shows that this is where America's recent tribulations began.

The real horror -- the years since the Democrat Congress rose to absolute power -- hasn't seen much discussion. It's "all Bush's fault", as they say. But as the last ten years recede into the rear view mirror, we can see them in context. And 20/20 hindsight can often be quite revealing.

Here are a few helpful factoids and graphs to help the TEA Party, GOP, RNCC and ALL Republican and Independent candidates beat the living snot out of Socialism every day from now until November.

And beyond.

[Hit the link for the graphs; he doesn't seem to have a homepage as such.]
Via Powerline.
Posted by: Barbara Skolaut 2010-03-29