
Skeery calls al-Qaeda goons to testify
(2004-03-28) -- Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee John Forbes Kerry today said that Usama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leaders of al Qaeda, should testify before the bipartisan commission investigating the 9/11 terror attacks.

The remarks follow Mr. Kerry’s call for National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice to testify before the panel.

"We’re asking U.S. officials how 9/11 could have been allowed to happen," said Mr. Kerry. "It seems that Mr. bin Laden and Mr. al-Zawahiri would have first-hand information that would be relevant to the committee’s proceedings."

Mr. Kerry said that when he is president of the United States, he will "direct Attorney General Richard Clarke to subpoena both al Qaeda leaders that they might be subjected to stern questioning."

Posted by: Korora 2004-03-30