
Al-Qaeda claims responsibility for killing of British couple
A BRITISH couple murdered by gunmen in the breakaway East African state of Somaliland were the victims of an al-Qaeda cell sent to kill humanitarian workers, the country’s interior minister has claimed. Richard Eyeington, 62, and his wife Enid, 61, died when a gunman opened fire through the window of their home as they sat watching television last October.
That was a spectacular act of Islamic bravery, by Gum...
Two weeks earlier, gunmen had shot dead an Italian doctor in the country, and, two weeks ago, a Kenyan consultant working for a German aid agency was killed and her German colleague was injured in another gun attack. Five men have already been arrested in connection with the killings, but other members of the group remain on the run. Now Ismail Adan Osman, the country’s interior minister, says the attacks were the work of an al-Qaeda cell sent to Somaliland from Mogadishu, in neighbouring Somalia, to kill foreign workers. Two of the al-Qaeda operatives identified by the Somaliland authorities are on a United States’ wanted list. According to Mr Osman, the five gunmen already arrested have confessed to carrying out the latest attack as part of a wider al-Qaeda-run operation. The two men on the US wanted list are reported to have escaped to Mogadishu, which has long been considered by Washington to be a safe haven for al-Qaeda operatives.
That would appear to support early assertions that the transitional national government was an al-Qaeda front ...
Somaliland has also accused its neighbour of harbouring terrorist groups, and Mr Osman claimed that three of the five men arrested were related to the Somali interim president, Abdiqasim Salad Hasan. An editorial in the Somaliland Times, on Saturday spoke angrily of an attempt by al-Qaeda to destabilise the country. It read: "Al-Qaeda wants to turn all the Somali-speaking territories in the Horn into another Afghanistan. (It is just a pity that these rich Wahabists should spend their money for causing further death and destruction to fellow Muslims).
Got a pretty fair handle on who the enemy is, at least...
"Secondly, al-Qaeda sees Somaliland’s on-going democratic transformation as a threat against its Wahabist form of Islam, one of the main root-causes of current Islamist extremism. There is no doubt that the people of Somaliland will rise up to meet the challenges posed by the threat of terrorism." A senior government official quoted by the paper said that Somaliland needed international assistance if it was to combat the terrorist threat. "As long as potential terrorists continued enjoying sanctuary in Mogadishu and elsewhere in former Italian Somalia, coupled with the international community’s continued failure to respond to Somaliland’s repeated requests for external assistance, needed to substantially enhance the country’s counter-terrorism capabilities, the terrorist threat would still be there," he said. The murder of the Eyeingtons at the Sheikh Secondary School, 500 miles north of Mogadishu, prompted fears of an anti-western backlash as a result of the war in Iraq.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-03-30