
Libya Inspection Exposes Egyptian Nuke Program
WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The United States has found evidence that Libya traded nuclear and missile expertise with Egypt.
Home of our old friend Mohamed Elbaradei, chief of the IAEA.

Inspections by a British-U.S. team of Libyan facilities in late 2003 and early 2004 have uncovered evidence that Libya was both the source for and recipient of nuclear and missile technology and expertise from Egypt. Officials said the evidence confirmed suspicions over the last three years of a secret trade between Cairo and Tripoli in strategic weapons obtained from North Korea.
Now why do you suppose the IAEA didn't expose.....oh right.

"The evidence of Egyptian involvement in Libya's missile and nuclear weapons program is highly damaging and most of the doubts we had previously have been resolved," an official said. "That doesn't mean, however, that there will be imminent repercussions."
How much aid do we send Egypt again?

The officials did not elaborate on the type of evidence found in Libya. But they said Egypt appeared to have been using Libya as a way-station for obtaining nuclear and missile technology and components from North Korea.
This new relationship with Libya just keeps getting better all the time.

Posted by: Steve 2004-03-30