
Albright worried Bush is fueling terrorists’ hate
Mad Cow Disease Strikes Again!
Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told a crowd at the Yale Divinity School Tuesday that she is concerned President Bush is fueling the hate of terrorist organizations.
"he should give in and sip Crystal with Kimmy like I did!"
She said the worrying is in response to the president suggesting that "Americans have a unique relationship with God or a better understanding of God’s will than worshippers from other cultures and lands."
hmmmm I don’t recall those words
"From the beginning, the president has made it clear that we are at war with the terrorists and not with Islam. That is to his credit," Albright said.
To his discredit, he’s been too PC to say the truth: fundamentalist Islam is our enemy and we will wage a fight to the death with it, forever!
"(But) it surely doesn’t help when the American military official with responsibility for intelligence on al-Qaida claims that ’We are in the Army of God’ and that George Bush was ’appointed by God,’" she said. The comments were made by Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin, deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence.
Ooooohhhh offended Arab "sensitivities"!
Albright said she believed, as the Bush Administration did, that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but she questioned the wisdom of a pre-emptive strike against Iraq. "I did not believe there was a connection to al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein," Albright said. "I now do think that Iraq has become a magnet, a gathering ground for all various groups that hate us."
Terrorism is more than al-Qaeda, though Ansar al-Islam was a wholly-owned subsidiary. Abu Nidal was a terrorist. Abu Abbas was a terrorist. Sammy loved them both, until he had Abu Nidal bumped off...
A handful of people protested Albright’s visit. Joan Cavanaugh, 50, of New Haven, a member of the Connecticut Peace Coalition, said Albright "set the table" for the current military action against Iraq when she was in the Clinton administration, and was responsible for the deaths of many children through its policies and sanctions.
yeah, right
Posted by: Frank G 2004-03-30