
US urges Khartoum to end political restrictions
[Al Arabiya Latest] The United States on Monday urged Sudan to immediately lift restrictions on political parties and indicated it would accept a short delay in landmark elections if it helped address concerns, as the Umma party is set to decide whether to take part in the forthcoming presidential polls.
Oh, yeah. That oughta do it.
Washington was "concerned with troubling developments including serious restrictions on political freedom" in Sudan, State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said.

He added it was "important for the government of Sudan immediately to lift restrictions on political parties and the civil society."

Sudan "must also ensure that all voters are able to participate in the election by improving conditions on the ground, including in Darfur and elsewhere, and by providing meaningful access polling places."

Sudan's electoral commission has insisted the April 11-13 vote will go ahead on schedule despite threats by opposition parties to boycott the first elections since 1986.

A senior U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a brief delay would mean no more than around a month.
Posted by: Fred 2010-04-07