
Nativity Church deportees applaud PA aid
[Ma'an] Jihad Ja'ara, a Nativity Church deportee, on Tuesday expressed gratitude to the Palestinian Authority for assisting he and his fellow exiles in Europe after suffering for years without financial means to pay rent and other needs.

In an interview, Ja'ara, who also serves as a spokesman for the deportees, said the PA stepped in after Italy stopped paying compensation for the former militants, none of whom are permitted to work due to the terms of Europe's agreement with Israel.

Ja'ara thanked President Mahmoud Abbas and Salam Fayyad for "standing by the Nativity Church exiles," and expressed particular thanks to chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat and Major-Gen. Majed Faraj for their "continued efforts on behalf of the deportees."
Posted by: Fred 2010-04-14