
Saudi Clerics Pray for Rain, Blaming the Drought on Unveiled Women
Saudi clerics across the kingdom led worshippers in prayers for rain Thursday, blaming a recent drought on sinfulness, including women who unveil themselves or mingle with men. Thursday’s prayers come as Saudi Arabia reported less than normal rainfall over the winter months. Addressing hundreds of worshippers in Mecca, Grand Mosque cleric Abdel Rahman bin Abdel Aziz al-Sudeis said Muslims should purify their hearts of "envy, jealousy, hatred, breaking off (relations), quarrels and enmity for trivial reasons," and ask for God’s forgiveness to end the drought. "There is no sin without misfortune, and there is no lifting of punishments without repentance; the sins are dangerous because whenever they exist, destruction follows," al-Sudeis said. He singled out women, saying their sins included "bedecking, unveiling, mingling (with men), being indifferent with hijab (the veil)."
Posted by: Ghostrider 2004-04-01