
Brown Is Caught on Microphone Calling Voter 'Bigoted'
Prime Minister Gordon Brown was caught by a microphone calling a voter he'd just met in northern England "a bigoted woman," describing the encounter as "a disaster."

Brown was discussing the concerns the voter, Gillian Duffy, had about immigration in Rochdale, near Manchester, as he campaigned before the May 6 election. Brown made the comments, played on Sky News television, while still wearing his microphone after he got back into his car.

"She is just the sort of bigoted woman who said she used to be Labour," Brown said in the car. "That was a disaster. Who put me with that woman?" Speaking in an interview on Sky News later, he said he'd apologized to Ms. Duffy.

Brown's comment threatens to undermine his campaign, with his Labour Party already in third place in some opinion polls behind the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. Gains in seats by the Liberal Democrats have increased the likelihood of a hung Parliament where no party has a majority.

"I am very upset," Duffy told reporters in Rochdale after hearing Brown's comments. "He's an educated person, why has he come up with comments like that?"

Asked if she wanted an apology from Brown she replied, "Yes, I think so."

'That's All'

"I don't want to speak to him again," she said. "I want to know why I was called a bigot, that's all."

"We have found out the prime minister's internal thoughts," Conservative Treasury spokesman George Osborne told Sky News television. "He has got a lot of explaining to do."
It requires no explanation at all. Mr. Brown is a socialist -- what we in America call a 'progressive'. Socialists and progressives think that anyone who disagrees with them is a bigot. Look at each and every public debate in the US, and you'll find progressives calling their opponents racists. It's the same in Europe.

It's humorous in a way: the people who throw the terms 'racist' and 'bigot' around are the very people who categorize each and every person they meet by skin color rather than by the content of their character.

Posted by: tipper 2010-04-28