
Mayor Daley Threatens US Gunmakers With Lawsuit In World Court
Since the Mayor's getting very little done in Springfield or Washington or in the courts to expand gun control, now he wants mayors in other countries like Mexico to drag American gun makers into the World Court in the Hague.

Daley says, "We are shipping guns there by the truckload to people to kill each other. They're not manufactured there. And we want the drugs that come from other countries that is a conduit, like a highway through Mexico, into the United States! And we sit like we have no responsibility. We should not ship any guns to Mexico."
That didn't make a bit of sense ...
I asked the Mayor what legal authority there is to sue the U.S. gun industry in the World Court. He said, "Well, that's why we have about 12 million lawyers. You never know until you try."
Perhaps one of those twelve million lawyers is conservative enough to sue the mayor and the city of Chicago for stupidity ...
Backing up Daley is Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, one of more than a dozen mayors -- including the Mayor of Mexico City -- who signed a resolution to pursue this tactic.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2010-04-28