
Fallujah Sharpshooters Baffle US Troops, Who Murder Cameraman Filming Destruction of 8 US Tanks
From Jihad Unspun
Iraqi Sources close to the Resistance in al-Fallujah report that the toll of dead US aggressors killed in the fighting in and around that town from last Thursday and Friday, 25 and 26 March 2004 exceeded 20 dead. The sources told QudsPress on Monday that during the battles of al-Fallujah, the Resistance was able to destroy eight US tanks and six Humvees.

The Iraqi sources said that the latest attacks on the US aggressors employed a new and technique that resulted in the death of a large number of deaths in the ranks of the occupation army. The Resistance called in sharpshooters who were able to hunt the Americans in a manner that baffled the US invader troops. In addition, the Resistance made use of various types of weapons in the combat.

According to QudsPress quoting a local Iraqi newspaper, the US aggressors intentionally killed an Iraqi cameraman working for an American TV company during the fighting because he managed to film the eight destroyed American tanks. According to the report, the US troops demanded his camera and the video he shot. When he refused and attempted to leave the scene of the engagement, the US troops shot him and destroyed his camera. They then ruined the film and cameras of several other correspondents who were present during the combat.

QudsPress reports that the Resistance Brigades in al-Fallujah have distributed a communiqué taking credit for the operations carried out there. These armed detachments include the Brigades of the Martyr Ahmad Yasin, the Brigades of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib the Lion of God and Conqueror, and the Brigades of the 1920 Revolution.

Leaflets distributed by the fighting Resistance detachments threatened the members of the puppet so-called interim governing council of Iraq not to interfere in the affairs of al-Fallujah. They declare that any member of the council who visits the city to try to break up the resistance to the occupation will be killed.

The Resistance communiqué stated: “We now regard al-Fallujah as a liberated city and we warn the occupation forces against entering it a second time.” US aggressor forces now lay siege to the city having encircled it on the outside and not permitting anyone at all to enter or leave after 4:00pm local time.
Posted by: Mike Sylwester 2004-04-02