
Belmont Club: Falluja in the Crosshairs

Severly EFL - From Wretchard at Belmontclub. As the man says, read the whole thing.

Directly after four civilian contractors were murdered and mutilated in Fallujah, in the heart of the Sunni triangle, the US military apparently strung a low key but effective cordon around the town. The townsfolk rapidly demanded its lifting. The Iraqi Civil Defense Corps, based in the city, issued this cryptic statement:

"An agreement has been negotiated with the occupation forces to lift the siege of Fallujah and to withdraw. We are hoping you will cooperate to protect Fallujah and guarantee its security," the message said.

The cordon has if anything, been tightened. "U.S. troops, however, remained outside the city Thursday, and commanders said they would act ’at the time and place of our choosing.’’’ The US military defended its decision not to send troops into Fallujah immediately. Instead, the forces available blocked off the access routes. Fallujah is bounded in the West by a river and four major roads lead in and out of the town.


Q of GEN. Kimmitt: Can I just ask one quick follow-up. Just does it not send out a rather dangerous message that these people can get away with this, pretty much do whatever they want? I mean, I was in Fallujah today and people were saying, "Yeah, the Americans were scared to come back in." Does that not send out a bad message of tolerance of violence?

GEN. KIMMITT: Ask them after the Americans have come back in.

If you have any sense at all, Generals that whisper or talk in an steady, even tone should scare the hell out of you. . .

The rest is tactics. The Marines have long studied Military Operations in Urban Terrain (MOUT). They will put snipers in dominant overwatch; use the road network to divide up the town into zones by posting the intersections; they will build EPW cages outside the town; they will put persistent aerial surveillance aloft; there will be a blanket of electronic surveillance and electronic jamming over the town; they will map out the operation to a room-by-room detail. Then they will lop off bits of Fallujah one slice at a time.


The deliberate, even cold-blooded approach by the Marines makes this incident the anti-Mogadishu. The tactics employed against the Rangers in the Blackhawk Down incident relied on the belief that Americans could be reflexively trapped into defending unfavorable positions in attempts to recover bodies. The Anti-Coalition Forces probably felt sure that taunting Americans over the media would produce the desired impulsiveness. As the minutes lengthened into hours and the Marines responded with icy professionalism, the enemy may have come the unpleasant realization that this was not the former administration and that other still more unwelcome surprises were in store for them.

The worst time to go hunting tangos is when you are really, really pissed off. Mistakes will be made and you can easily end up in an ambush yourself. While I was/am as mad as anyone after yesterday’s events, I think the slow methodically approach is the better. I like to think of in terms of a glacier - slow and ponderous but absolutely crushing and no hope of stopping it.

Doc8404 posted this late last night, but it is a MUST READ, so I hope he doesn’t mind if I reposted it today.
I think Belmont Club’s Wretchard has a more perceptive, keener take on the Fallujah cordon than even the mighty Steven Den Beste or the fearsome terrorist-slayer Charles Johnson.
That’s what so great about the blogosphere...when we put all our heads together, the sum is greater than the parts separately!
Posted by: Jen 2004-04-02