
Polish president may be targeted by al-Qaeda
Poland’s government said today it had ordered increased security at airfields and aircraft hangars, citing a “realistic” possibility of terrorist attacks using small jets. An Interior Ministry statement did not elaborate on the reason for its warning or cite any specific target, saying only that “there is a realistic threat of attacks with the use of small jets”. It said special measures had been taken to ensure control of airfields, pilot training organisations and plane hangars, but did not elaborate. Polish officials said yesterday that President Aleksander Kwasniewski was named as a terror target on an Arabic-language web site possibly linked to al-Qaida. “The threat is realistic,” Kwasniewski said. “That puts on all of us an obligation to be watchful, especially in the Easter season when many people withdraw to devote themselves to family lives.”
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-02