
Mainstream Left Blog Gloats Over American Deaths in Fallujah
Via Instapundit.
Every death should be on the front page
Let the people see what war is like. This isn't an Xbox game. There are real repercussions to Bush's folly.

That said, I feel nothing over the death of merceneries. They aren't in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.
I know we're not supposed to re-post blog articles here, but I thought this would be a usefule exception. Kos is not an "extremist"; he's held out as a "mainstream" leftist. I've always found him to be churlish with no human kindness, but what do I know? And he's anonymous, of course. But if this is "main-stream" left thought today, God help the U.S.A. if Kerry wins in November.

While he's about it, he should also insist on translations of Friday sermons being broadcast, so the populace knows who and what the enemy is. Keep stats on honor killings and make sure there's at least one talking head discussing freedom of religion in Soddy Arabia every day. Like it or not, we're in a war. We didn't ask for it — we were at peace on 9-10-01. You don't fight a battle and then go home. You bring the war to the enemy and destroy him. Sniffing that you "feel nothing" at the death of some "mercenaries" is just too fastidious for words. They're so beneath the writer he doesn't even have any contempt to spare for them.

I've never read the writer's site. I don't intend to now.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-04-02