
Sweden refugees mutilate fingers
Hundreds of asylum-seekers are cutting or burning their fingertips to prevent identification by EU authorities, Swedish officials say. The EU has a joint database where all asylum-seekers’ prints are stored. If migration officials discover applicants have already had their case heard in another EU state, they are liable to be sent back. Swedish officials have disclosed that hundreds of asylum seekers’ prints show signs of injury.
Guess what you asshats, if your biometrics cannot be accurately recorded and evaluated, maybe all you’re going to get out of this is a free ride home (i.e., deportation to country of origin).

To mutilate your own fingerprints only makes it more likely that you have something to hide. Whether this is true or not, it puts you directly under the heading of "Potential Terrorist."

Great way to protest, ya fuckwits. Have fun back home when your local oppressive government finds out that you tried to sneak off. They’ll brand you as subversives too. That’s the beauty of honorable assimilation as an immigrant. If you really want to be part of another country, you play by their rules. Have a problem with that? Go back to where you came (escaped) from.

What did you say? You spent your life savings escaping from there? Tough titty little kitty! If you prevent an inducting country from properly recording your identity, then you are shit outta luck.

Thank you for playing, please (don’t) try again.

Posted by: Zenster 2004-04-02